Byron Bay – swimming & showering again, pub crawling and Sunday market (03.-06.06.06)

Our next stop was Byron Bay. In this area we thought we get fixed the car more easily then in other towns, because the kombi is quiet famous there and on the gold coast nearby! After a journey of around two hours without stoping the engine (even during our petrol stop the engine had to run) we found a nice spot up a hill at Clarke´s Beach, for pushing on again the next day. On these spot we met a French couple (Sonia and Luic) again whom we had met a couple of days before in our night in Anna Bay! They offered us pushing the car in the morning ;-). We went out with them for a drink in Byron Bay. After passing by two local pubs we got the info that they have live music at 9 pm. With still three hours to go we decided to try out the local music. Our night finished at around 10.30 p.m. on a Saturday night, tired like hell, because we are not used anymore to this awakening times!
At around 6.30 a.m. we got woken up from a local ranger by knocking against our kombi window! Of course the place where we stayed that night was not legal to camp on. After a couple of times trying to open the sliding door of the kombi from insight, he even gave us a hand opening the door. Still asleep, Silke´s first words to the ranger: “Sorry we have a problem with the car…!” he just answered “Yes you have a really big problem with your car you can´t even get out of your own car by yourself!” After a couple of minutes he told us we have to move of course…. with or without car, doesn’t matter! At least we didn’t get a fine, it can cost up to 500 $ to camp on premises like that ;-(
The second and third night in Byron we stayed at the Tyagarah National Park with the German Ingrid and Peter on just 30 meters away from the beach, on a really small spot a bit away from the city near a small airport! It was like heaven, kilometres of beach without any other people. We went jogging in the morning, swimming afterwards etc…wonderful:-)!
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