Sunset walking and bird spotting in Nambucca Heads (02.06.06)

After we left our overnight place early in the morning, without breakfast we decided to stop for a coffee and some breakfast on a small spot near the ocean “Corindi Beach”.
After a break of around an hour we were ready to hit the road again but our kombi didn’t make a sound at all and the engine didn’t start. With a helping hand and a push of a friendly tourist from England we carried on our trip. With the next hill in front of us we did something really stupid! We switched of the engine again, trying out if it will get on again! Of course it doesn’t work out, and finally we stand on the bottom of the hill with our dead engine! An Aboriginal guy passing by and a couple in a nice huge Cadillac gave us another push to go on with our journey (they got of the highway to help us:-)!)! The couple in the Cadillac we have already met three times afterwards! But more about that later!
This night we stayed in Nambucca Heads where a really nice lady in the tourist office gave us an advice where we could sleep in the van. We did an evening sunset walk to the V-Wall where every single rock was painted by tourists.

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