Our visit at the Koala Hospital at Port Macquarie (=Mack-Quei-Arie - Dirk´s favourite word;-)!) (02.06.06)

Driving forward to Port Macquarie we past a Koala Hospital. We stoped there, because we haven´t seen a Koala on our journey yet! A nice old lady just finished her volunteer work at the hospital that day and gave us a really nice private tour through the small hospital. It was really fascinating to hear how the people manage to save the Koalas they come to the hospital. Some of them were injured in bushfires, other got attacked by dogs or hit by a car. In the hospital the koalas get help from around 150 volunteers (sometimes they need attention 24 hours a day). All of it financed just with donors from people all over the world (most of them from Germany the women told us). It was also a German lady that gave so much money that they could open a new building last October.
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