Heaps of sailing boats in Sydney Harbour (14.05.06)

Nearly every Sunday all sailors go crazy and go in the water, the harbour looks really busy and even the ferry to Manly takes more time to get there because of all the sailing boats around.
Our time here in Sydney is nearly over… Dirk is working his last week in café comity and we have to move out of the flat on the weekend, too. Still thinking about doing a birthday and leaving party this weekend but not really sure, because all our party-animal-friends are still in Düsseldorf and some other spots of Europe;-)
At the moment we are really busy choosing the right present for Dirk´s birthday,….it must have 4 wheels, and a powerful engine with a lot of space around! We`re talking about a campervan which we would like to buy this week!
A lot of cars we already drove for a short trip, but it gets hard to find a good one for a acceptable price. We will take our favourite one to the garage tomorrow morning. We want to be sure that nothing serious is broken. The car is the same year of birth as Dirk and he is not in such a good condition too……;-))
More details about our plans will follow in a couple of days. We will leave Sydney to go up north as soon as possible because there it hopefully is much warmer than here! Then our blog will get a bit more interesting because we will explore something new….three months just in a “small” (that´s what Dirk thinks) city like Sydney is enough.
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