More Germans in Bondi

Our new friends Thomas, Christine, Leon and Timon – a German family in Bondi
During the last two weeks Silke has realized a German couple with their two sons on the beach. She heard they are from Ulm where Silke has lived for two years. Next time we would see them on the beach Silke wanted to greet them. Last Monday Dirk went to a bank to get his bank card and Christine (the female part of this couple; the male is called Thomas) was standing behind him. Her smaller son Leon (3 years) asked his mom in German: “Does this man also have to get his bank card?” And Dirk answered in German: “Yes, I also have to get mine.” So they started talking to each other and went to drink a coffee together. After that they went to pick up the older son Timon (7 years) from school and Dirk went with them to their home to drink another coffee. Dirk came back and told Silke that we got an dinner invitation to a German couple for the same evening. Silke mentioned that probably would be the same couple we have seen on the beach twice. A very funny coincidence!
In the evening we bought some white wine and went to their home which is also in Bondi. We had dinner together and afterwards their neighbour came over. After their children went to bed and swapping some music we started to dance in their living room as you can see on the photo. It was a fun night:-)!
Last night we have been to their house. Christine got a bad back injury on Wednesday morning so we wanted to cheer her a little up. We were watching “Pricilla, the queen of the desert” which has been filmed in Sydney and the outback of Australia.
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