A bit cloudy and only 25 degrees....good weather for a walk

Yesterday we were doing the long coastal walk from Coogee Beach to Bondi Beach. We were enjoying the really nice views and as you can see were taking some funny photos for you, our friends and family (just check out what is written in the sand). We had whole Tamarama Beach for ourselves as the sun was not there and it was only about 25 degrees.
Last night we met Arnaud, Mounir and Steve from Paris to have some drinks with them. Silke´s friends Rebekka and Arnaud from Bonn know Arnaud and they exchanged our email addresses. They have been in Sydney one week and also in the same hostel we stayed the first week but it took us one week to arrange a meeting. First we went to a sports club having some beer with ocean view. Then we went to a pizzeria and had dinner. At midnight we went swimming in the ocean (Silke get some really strange ideas, especially after a couple of as beers) it still was really warm. We ended and danced for a while in Hotel Bondi where Silke had worked upstairs at the radio station 88.0 FM in the year 2000.
Today at 7 a.m.:-( Dirk started his new job in a really nice small café in Bondi Beach:-). It´s just around the corner and he is going to work there around 40 hours a week. On the end he could choose between three jobs,…and he had to quit his job at Wagamama before he startet it. Now he is even perfect in saying sorry….;-)
Silke only handed in one application so far and has to start to look around more intensively soon. Right now she is still enjoying her holiday;-)!
Today in the afternoon we are going to the city. The TNT magazine (they give tips to travellers like job search and what you have to visit) is doing a research about travellers, their plans, their experience etc. We will get free food and drinks there and 25 AUS $ (=15 Euro) for 1,5 hours of talking. Let´s see what will happen there and meet some other travellers.
The reason why we have to go there, Silke like to say that she is working too!...;-)
Ihr Lieben,
klasse, das ihr es geschafft habt, laut Eurer schreiben muß es Euch ja echt SAU gut gehen!
Hier ist es immer noch ARSCH kalt, wenn wir Glück haben so um die 3 Grad, ist das nicht klasse ...?
das nächste Mal möchte ich doch gerne ein paar Bilder von Euren ersten Surfstunden sehen´.( Macht Ihr doch noch bestimmt, oder ? So knackige braun gebrannte,gut gebaute Kerle ... ) Boooor ei....
Also, Ihr beide ...
Grüßt mir den nächsten Australier, der Euch über den Weg läuft... Mit Umarmung und Küsschen!! ( Wenn es geht, einen SURFER!!!!! *grins*
Alles Liebe + Bye Bye
2:59 AM
Die schönste Postkarte die ich je gesehen habe.
12:00 AM
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