Saturday, March 04, 2006

Mardi Gras Parade: yesterday we went to the biggest venue in town. Mardi Gras is the same like the Christopher Street Day in Europe (though Silke thinks that the gay men in Cologne look better than on the parade yesterday). A lot of queer people everywhere. It really feels like carnival in Germany – only much hotter and sexier because the weather here is much better and the people get undressed more quickly. Dirk was a good boy and went home early (2 a.m.) with Silke…;-)!

At the moment we are sitting in front of the hostel, moving away from the sun to see the screen of Dirk´s ibook and writing these lines. After the strong sun at midday we plan to go to beach and watch the surfers.

We are enjoying the weather, the atmosphere and just relax without thinking about job possibilities. Tomorrow we will start checking out job and flat opportunities.

We wish you a great working week and of course we are thinking about all of you;-)!


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