G´day dudes,

today is our last working day at clicktivities ag in Duesseldorf, Germany.
In the future you can find our narratives about our great adventures in Australia here:-)!!!
About us:
Dirk Steinroeder is 28 years old, a trained chef, studied media design/marketing and has worked as a project manager at clicktivities the last year and a half.
It will be his first time in Australia.
Silke Schneider is 30 years old, studied media education / communication science and has worked as a project manager just under three years.
She will be travelling to Australia for the third time.
We both plan to stay in Australia for a whole year. We also would love to visit New Zealand for some weeks and Thailand on our way back in 2007.
Dirk and Silke hope that you enjoy this blog and to keep contact with you...
Hugs and kisses,
Dirk and Silke
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