Goodbye „Hazel Quince“ und Silke
After around 8500 km , 9 weeks of travelling and 5 month staying together I have to say good bye to „Hazel Quince“ and Silke.
After 5 month of travelling and enjoying the country and the people I really run out of money and have to go back to work!
Beside from the little problem with the money I really miss work, my own privacy, going out, seeing the same people twice if i like to, SITTING on a clean non public toilet, having a shower if I feel like having one, DANCING, doing some sport, speaking about something else then hostels and going up or down the coast with other backpackers, etc.
I really like travelling but in a different way then a backpacker, I still like to go to the Red Center, to Perth and Melbourne I will fly there for a couple of days from Sydney I dont have to see all the places in between,...there are all nice and beautiful. But the country ist in my eyes to big and to empty. I got bored and I need more action ;-)
My flight from Darwin to Sydney is already on the 2nd of August, down in Sydney I try to find a flat and I start working at my old place again. For me always it was a big challenge to settle down in a interesting city somewhere in the world, it was like that in London nine years ago and is still my dream! I really enjoy daily things in a different country, meeting people, being happy with a job which I like and feeling home at the same time.
I like to say thank you to Silke for the last couple of month,...I saw places where I never would go by myself and had good times and some bad times, like always in life.
Hope she will make all the way round Australia, like she dreamed about and that she find a travel mate with the same interests.
Also I have to say good bye to all readers of our blog, stay in Sydney will not be that interesting for more input and I prefer to stay in e-mail contact with my mates
Thanks, Good bye and see you soon.....dirk