Monday, July 31, 2006

Kombi’s anniversary of 66.666 kilometres

At the end of the dirt road from Douglas Hot Springs our kombi had a “Schnapszahl” anniversary: 66.666 kms. We took a photo to prove that we have made about 8.398 kms in the two months of travelling from Sydney up the East coast and through the outback. On our way to Darwin we counted: 181 other kombis, 137 dead kangaroos, 27 dead cows, 2 dead wombats and 1 dead snake. Most of the dead animals are victims of the huge road trains. They don’t even realise running over four cows at once because of their construction and their huge bull bar. We were told that they have to speed up if there is an animal in front of them because then the animal just gets hit and flies to the side and doesn’t get underneath the road train.


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