Socializing with locals in Hotel Mount Garnet
After getting some fuel at a service station in Mount Garnet we followed on with our journey through the outback. 55 kms later we made a stop because our oil lamp was flashing. We checked the contact at the engine and realised that we had left our fuel lid at the service station in Mount Garnet – so we had to drive back to get it :-(!
When we got the fuel lid it was already after dawn so we decided to stay the night in Mount Garnet (a nice little town). We found a parking spot and went to drink a beer in the local pub. There we met heaps of Aussies who started buying us more and more drinks. Dirk started dancing, Silke found an Aussie who wanted to marry her etc.;-) We had cowboys, shit on grass, black and clear sambuca and some other drinks. Dirk could not stop and had a bad hangover the next day…
The following morning we had to realise that we had left our car key with the immobiliser. Without this thing it was impossible to start the engine with the spare key. So we tried to find some locals with electrical or mechanical knowledge. But we were unlucky. We just got the information that we had to wait until Monday (the next day), drive back to Ravenshoe to see an auto electrician. In the evening Silke met an Aussie cowboy John, an English girl Anna and their English friend Tom. John and Anna are riding from Broome (Western Australia) to Cairns. They started their ride in March 2006 and they arrived in Mount Garnet last Sunday. They had three weeks to get to their goal in Cairns and they have six brumbies (wild horses) to change in between. Tom is doing a documentary about their ride. As Silke is really keen on their project you can check out Anna is the first woman who will be riding from coast to coast in Australia. There are already articles about their ride in the English Times.
On Sunday evening Silke also had the chance to sit in her first road train. A nice Aussie truck driver showed and explained everything to her.
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